Want to be a Non-Smoker? Hypnosis & On-Line Support
Transitions, Good and Bad
Reflection on Priorities
Perspective: How Long is Forever?
December – Our Connections With Others
December brings to mind the connections we have with family and others. For instance, for me, it signifies my father’s birthday (lost to lung cancer), my mother’s death (breast cancer), and my own breast cancer diagnosis 8 days before Christmas. December also reminds me how grateful I am to have
Have a Flexible Plan B
Are there Scientific Studies Showing Hypnotherapy Works?
What Next? October Breast Cancer Awareness
October is Breast Cancer awareness month in the United States. The push is on education and awareness…and breast cancer screening. The screenings (aka mammogram) are important. In fact, my radiologist said I was the “poster child for annual mammograms” because if he had not seen the previous year’s mammogram and just