I lost my father to lung cancer in 1999, he had been a life long smoker. I am also a former smoker (several decades ago). I know how it feels, understanding the health risks and wanting to quit…wanting to quit and worrying it will be difficult.
I am very passionate about working with clients interested in becoming non-smokers. In addition to the hypnotherapy protocol, as a Certified Professional Coach, I also offer coaching sessions for clients who are interested in personal strategies to remain non-smokers for life. Coaching sessions are also available to anyone who has already stopped smoking but would like to develop strategies to help them handle trigger situations, or make other positive lifestyle changes.
There is an additional support resource: Quitza, a member supported support group on-line for non-smokers who have successfully completed a hypnotherapy smoking cessation program (or would like to). The site contains links to valuable information and studies, and also some great tracking and positive reinforcement apps.
“People are 30% more likely to successfully quit with social support” (Quitza web site, 2016); “This community support structure alone is a powerful tool. Quitza combines this support with social awards, milestones, and real time personalised data about our users physiological changes as they quit.” (Quitza web site, 2016)
Some Surgeons are reluctant to perform major surgery of any kind on smokers, especially heavy smokers. This is because the side effects of tobacco use (such as constricting blood vessels, elevated blood carbon dioxide (CO2) and other) can cause complications resulting in unsuccessful wound healing and poor recovery in general.